Thursday, July 27, 2006

Shout Out to All the Math Teachers!

My emphasis while completing my degree in education will be in mathematics. This will enable me to move on to higher grades if I desire later in my career. The reason that this is my most favorable area of study is because THERE IS A RIGHT ANSWER! I love to know that I am right. Right now while teaching art it is really making me go outside of my OCD self and see that it is okay to explore, experiment, not have the right answer, interpret, etc... I needed this experience, but I will never leave my roots of loving math!

I remember in school hating writing and literature classes because the grading was bias. I must inform you that the teachers in my small town growing up were not of the highest caliber, and most grades were iniquitous. NOT Math - - you always knew if you were on or off.

This must explain why I worked designing compensation plans for a living and always ended up with data programmers after high school. I still want to keep this love for numbers as I enter my new career field.


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