Saturday, August 19, 2006

Male Teachers

Yesterday was my PS1 Seminar before classes start this Monday. There are four sections for preservice teacher field experience (PS1, PS2, etc…) this is completed over four semesters. I ran into an old friend at the seminar who is also in PS1 with me. There were about 200 or more students in this group and only about six of them were male, my friend being one of them. This bugged me, not only because I would rather have male peers over female peers but also because this field is primarily women. This did not surprise me I expected way more females, but not to this extreme!

Out of the whole six men in our group only one was a black male! ONE…

This is my call out to any and all males who would make great educators! I know the pay is horrible, but we need you! Inner-city students would greatly benefit from a strong black male leading the classroom.

Another point from this seminar… My friend was the only male who was preparing to each at the elementary level; the other five were all studying to teach at the high school level.


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